Monday, July 27, 2009

COOKing !!!

I am getting better and better at cooking le.Yeah!!. And I kind of enjoy the act of putting things together and be creative. Cooking for one person is a real challenge. Most food sell in bulk and it is always a real challenge to finish them before they go bad. Hence, cooking becomes something that I need to strategise. Sometime my meals would make up of a variety of "turning bad soon" ingredients. But this is the time when ur creative juice starts to flow. I made afew successful attempts and now I am so into cooking. Not that I like the act of cooking but more of the sweet taste of success I get out of it. Any one who knows me well would know that I was never into or never good at cooking. In fact, my first 2.5 months'cookings were real terrible. I was pathetically having only pasta, salad, tasteless "mixed rice" >>> ( frozen veggies + rice) and hours of scrubbing burnt pans.

Well, I am very shocked by my own progress too. I think the time I started picking up my cooking skills was when I stepped out of my comfort zone. I ditched my pasta and tasteless mixed rice and started cooking something more challenging. I checked out online recipes and equipped myself with more seasoning, sauces, spices, etc.... And also most importantly, a non-stick pan !!! hahaha....

One of the websites that help me kick start my cooking adventure is the "crazykoreancooking":

The two girls are so funny and crazy. They would sing , dance and act during their cooking demo. Some videos even have storylines. Check it out if u have time!


Blogger Grace said...

Aww that's great. thanks for watching us!

5:11 PM  

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